Thursday, February 21, 2019

Book #3 - Regulation 19

Things have changed in Rook Mountain, Tennessee, since Frank went away. His brother Jake has been missing for seven years, a fact no one bothered to share with Frank. His fun-loving buddy Will is now a somber man known for his violent enforcement of the town’s bizarre new laws. Frank’s sister-in-law Christine has a freezer chest containing a collection of illegal objects and a severed head.

As Frank will soon learn, the only thing worse than being in Rook Mountain is being outside of it.

Outside town is where the Unfeathered sing their terrible song and wait for night to fall.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

It's not summer . . .

I don't like wearing a coat.  When I can, I wear a jacket or try to get away without.  I remember as a kid I'd rather wear a jacket than a coat.  My mom wouldn't let me wear a jacket unless it was over 40°.  She was the mom who made us wear an undershirt until it was 70° and zipped our coat up under our chin before we left for school. (sometimes catching our skin in the zipper and back when kids walked to school).  
What I saw this morning was crazy!  There was a car on the freeway this morning that had Arizona plates.  The dude driving it was wearing a tank top. What?  I looked at the temperature and my car showed 17°.  That's even chilly jacket weather.  Either this dude drove straight from Arizona and had the heat blasting, or he was brain dead.  I can't imagine how cold he'll be when he gets out of his car.  He was also driving North.  North usually means colder.  
Happy winter to you dude!