Thursday, December 11, 2014

Texting and Driving

One morning I was making my usual drive to work. The car next to me kept getting closer and closer to the line between us. My first response to this kind of driving is always, "I'll bet they are on the phone." So of course when I look over the lady was looking down texting.  
I can't stand when people can't put their phones down to drive. I bet they would think twice if they understood the penalties of this new law.  
For your safety and mine, PLEASE put down your phone! 

Utah Text Messaging and Cell Phone Laws

Utah has one of the toughest texting laws in the country.

There is no prohibition on cell phone use while driving in Utah. However, all Utah drivers are prohibited from texting. (Utah has an extremely tough anti-texting law.) Utah also prohibits “careless driving” — which essentially refers to any moving violation that is committed while distracted by use of a hand-held cellphone or similar activities. 

Texting Laws

All Utah drivers are prohibited from texting while driving. Text messaging is defined in Utah law as "a communication in the form of electronic text or one or more electronic images sent by the actor from a telephone or computer to another person's telephone or computer by addressing the communication to the person's telephone number." There are some exceptions to the anti-texting rule such as texting during a medical emergency.


Under Utah’s law, someone caught texting and driving now faces up to three months in jail and up to a $750 fine, a misdemeanor. If they cause injury or death, the punishment can grow to a felony and up to a $10,000 fine and 15 years in prison. Utah’s texting laws are considered “primary” laws. A primary law means that an officer can pull you over for the offense without having to witness some other violation. That is, the officer sees you texting and issues a citation. 

Texting and Driving Statistics

Because Texting and Driving Kills!

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